On Tuesday, southern Haiti was hit by a 7.0 earthquake at about 5 pm, which caused mass destruction about ten miles southwest of the capital Port-Au-Prince. This earthquake has been fatal, and has brought destruction to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The earthquake took place at about 6 miles underground, which is a depth that can cause not only one, but several shocks. At least ten aftershocks occurred, and at least two of them were at a five range. The first earthquake lasted about 35 to 40 seconds long. Although they do not know exactly how much damage the earthquake has done, it's location is near the densely populated capital city, so there is expected to be a lot of casualties. The U.S. said they are willing to help, but part of the airport has collapsed, so it will be difficult to transport their aid via airplane.
The destruction has not ended. Haiti has mass amounts of deforestation, so land slides are predicted to occur if they are to receive any rainfall. Haiti has experienced many natural desasters since 1994 starting with Hurricane Gordon, and unfortunately it does not seem like the destruction will cease anytime soon.
http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2010/01/world/gallery.large.haiti-1/index.4.html , http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2010/01/world/gallery.large.haiti-1/index.3.html ,
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